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时间:2024-06-02 15:58:56 来源: 作者: 阅读:

6月2日上午,兰州大学的张亮,做了题目为《Spreading speeds for a time-periodic diffusive SI epidemic model》的报告。

大连理工大学的宋倩楠,做了题目为《 Spatiotemporal patterns and bifurcations of a delayed diffusive predator-prey system with fear effects》的报告。

新2足球网址登录入口的马西霞,做了题目为《 Dynamics of wild mosquitoes by sterile insect technique in spatially heterogenous environment》的报告。

大连理工大学的邬小清,做了题目为《 Long time stability result for d-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation》的报告。

University of North Carolina WilmingtonXiaojie Hou,做了题目为《 Traveling Pulses and their Bifurcation in a Diffusive Rosenzweig-MacAuthur Model》的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学的范琰慧,做了题目为《 Normal forms of a class of partial functional differential equations》的报告。

杭州师范大学的沈浩,做了题目为《 Spatial movement with explicit memory and nonlocal spatiotemporal delay》的报告。


浙江师范大学的陈佳宁,做了题目《Mathematical analysis on Poisson-Nernst-Planck systems with large permanent charges and boundary layers》的报告 。

广州大学的龙玉华,做了题目为《Some results on partial difference equations》的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学(威海)的陈雅琪,做了题目为《Equivariant Hopf bifurcation arising in circular-distributed predator-prey interaction》的报告。

新2足球网址登录入口的黄承代,做了题目为《Bifurcations of neutral fractional-order neural networks》的报告。

上海师范大学的李强,做了题目为《On a class of Lotka-Volterra competitive patch models in advective environments》的报告。


中国石油大学(华东)的蒋达清,做了题目为《Stochastic gene ralized Kolmogorov systems with small diffusion: I. Explicit approximations for invariant probability density function》的报告。

北京航空航天大学的刘凯荣,做了题目为《Analysis and verification of uniform moment exponential stability for stochastic hybrid systems with Poisson jump》的报告。

新2足球网址登录入口的王常健,做了题目为《 Global dynamics in a chemotaxis system involving nonlinear indirect signal secre tion and logistic source》的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学的刘蒙,做了题目为《Bifurcations and pattern formation in a predator-prey model with memory-based diffusion》的报告。

南京师范大学的向创,做了题目为《 Degenerate Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation of codimension 4 in Holling-Tanner model with harvesting》的报告。

四川轻化工大学的周界,做了题目为《 The expansivity and sensitivity of the set-valued discrete dynamical systems》的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学 (威海)的董信珊,做了题目为《Stationary and time-periodic patterns of the diffusive intra guild predation model with taxis》的报告。